
Day 1 (July 3)

1. Keynote talk “Knowledge Compilation: Principles and Applications” by Adnan Darwiche (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

Knowledge compilation (KC) is a research area which aims to preprocess information to improve the time required to solve highly-demanding computational tasks (NP and Beyond NP problems). Pioneered more than two decades ago, KC is nowadays a very active field, being at the intersection of several areas of AI and computer science. I will discuss some key dimensions relating to KC: (1) the choice of a tractable language to compile into, which depends on its degree of tractability (operations it supports in polytime) and its succinctness (space efficiency of its representations); (2) the design of knowledge compilers; and (3) the applications of KC within AI, including probabilistic inference, machine learning and explanations.

2. “Computing with SAT Oracles” by Joao Marques-Silva (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Propositional SAT solvers are a success story of Computer Science. An academic curiosity until the early 90s, SAT solvers now find an ever increasing range of practical applications. The reason for this success are conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) SAT solvers. This tutorial covers the use of CDCL SAT solvers as oracles for the class NP and it is organized into three main parts. The first part studies standard techniques for encoding constraints into propositional logic. The second part highlights the use of SAT oracles for solving computationally more challenging problems. The third part delves into practical applications of SAT oracles, highlights representative examples, and summarizes recent research trends.

3. “Introduction to SMT” by Albert Oliveras (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain)

This tutorial presents a basic overview of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT), focusing mainly on the DPLL(T) approach but also giving some hints about some recent trends. We review the most interesting theories that SMT solvers can deal with and introduce the basic ingredients of a DPLL(T)-based SMT solver, including a description of the Nelson-Oppen combination method.

4. “Automated Reasoning Beyond SAT and SMT” by Christoph Weidenbach (Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany)

For SAT, the CDCL (Conflict Driven Clause Learning) calculus is currently considered to be the prime calculus deciding satisfiability. For SMT, the Nelson-Oppen theory combination together with CDCL(T) is currently considered to be the prime calculus deciding satisfiability. From a first-order logic with theories perspective, both approaches are dedicated to logics without first-order variables. I will show that the introduction of first-order variables implies the non-existence of a single prime calculus in the spirit of SAT or SMT. This holds already for decidable fragments of first-order logic with theories. Instead, different calculi based on the instantiation of variables, the approximation of formulas, an explicit partial model building, an implicit model building, and syntactic inference restrictions and combinations thereof represent the state-of-the-art in automated reasoning beyond SAT and SMT.

Day 2 (July 4)

1. “Conflict-Driven Clause Learning” by Armin Biere (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)

This tutorial describes the most important ideas of SAT solvers based on conflict driven clause learning, which is the dominant solver paradigm in SAT applications. Basics techniques include clause learning, the notion of implication graph, as well as clause minimization. We further discuss restarts and garbage collecting useless learned clauses. Efficient data structures for boolean constraint propagation are essential too.

2. “Pragmatic Theory Combination” by Bruno Dutertre (CSL, SRI International, USA)

Combining decision procedures is a key problem in satisfiability modulo theories. The talk will present the classic Nelson-Oppen solution to this problem, and extensions of this method. We will then discuss model-based combination methods that are implemented in state-of-the-art SMT solvers. We will focus on the common case of combining the theory of uninterpreted functions (QF_UF) with arithmetic and bitvector theories.

3. “Instantiation-Based Automated Reasoning for First-Order Logic” by Konstantin Korovin (University of Manchester, UK)

Traditional automated theorem proving for first-order logic is based on monolithic first-order calculi such as resolution and superposition. In contrast, instantiation-based methods combine efficient SAT/SMT technology with first-order reasoning. In this lecture we will discuss theoretical aspects such as completeness of instantiation-based calculi for first-order logic, redundancy elimination, implementation details, and applications such as finite model finding, QBF and bounded model checking. We will also take a look at recent developments such abstraction refinement for first-order theorem proving.

4. “Using SMT to Reason about Amazon Web Services” by Cole Schlesinger (Amazon Web Services, USA)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) uses and develops tools based on formal verification to reason about the security of systems that customers build on AWS and also to reason about the security of AWS itself. In this session, we will dive into how AWS uses SMT-based verification techniques to help customers reason about properties of their AWS deployments, such as access control and network reachability. We will also explore characteristics of AWS that make it amenable to such verification.

Day 3 (July 5)

1. “SAT Solvers and Propositional Proof Complexity” by Robert Robere (Rutgers University, USA)

Modern SAT and SMT solvers are fantastically efficient on a wide variety of inputs, and they now routinely solve instances with a massive number of constraints and variables. This is, of course, despite the fact that SAT is NP-Complete, and so does not have an efficient (polynomial-time) algorithm unless P = NP, which is widely believed to be false. Clearly the theory of NP-Completeness is far too coarse to explain the behaviour of modern SAT solvers, and a more refined theoretical picture is needed.

Enter propositional proof complexity, which is a theory that gives a much more refined analysis of SAT solvers. In a word, the “proof complexity” approach to studying SAT solvers is to consider the behaviour of SAT solvers on instances with no satisfying assignments, noting that any complete solver must report “UNSAT” when given such an instance as input. The execution trace of the solver on this input is then a proof (in fact, a resolution proof) that the formula is unsatisfiable. We can therefore study the behaviour of SAT solvers by instead studying the proofs that they produce, and this allows us to abstract away many of the complex heuristics and technical engineering that goes into these algorithms.

In this talk we will give a survey of propositional proof complexity, emphasizing recent results studying SAT and SMT solvers from this perspective. No advanced background in complexity theory will be required.

2. “SMT-based Function Summarization for Software Verification” by Natasha Sharygina (University of Lugano, Switzerland)

This lecture presents HiFrog, a fully featured function-summarization-based model checker that uses SMT as the modeling and summarization language. The tool supports several encoding precisions through SMT: uninterpreted functions, linear real/integer arithmetics, and propositional logic. It employs our flexible interpolation framework for the construction and the use of function summaries most suitable for incremental program verification. In addition the tool allows optimized traversal of reachability properties, counter-example-guided summary refinement, summary compression, and user-provided summaries. I will describe the use of the tool through the description of its architecture and a rich set of features, give the tool demo and compare it to our earlier work where we introduced the SAT-based function summarization approach. The presentation will be complemented by an experimental evaluation on the practical impact the different SMT precisions have on program verification.

3. “Parallel Automated Reasoning” by Maria Paola Bonacina (University of Verona, Italy)

This lecture surveys selected discoveries and ideas in parallel reasoning, with a focus on parallel and distributed strategies for mechanical theorem proving in first-order logic. The lecture is organized in four parts. The first part covers approaches to parallel theorem proving prior to the inception of the Clause-Diffusion method. The second part presents the Clause-Diffusion method, that played a key role in the evolution of parallel reasoning from the parallelization of inferences to the parallelization of search, which is the dominating paradigm today. The third part draws both historic and conceptual connections between parallel theorem proving in first-order logic and parallel satisfiability (SAT) solving. The fourth part discusses the potential for new forays in parallel model-based theorem proving.

4. “Systematic Software Analysis Using SAT” by Sarfraz Khurshid (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

This tutorial describes an approach for systematic analysis of software systems. The primary focus is on automated testing where the user describes desired tests using logical formulas and SAT solvers enumerate non-equivalent test inputs that embody high quality test suites. A key enabling technology is provided by the well-known Alloy modeling language and SAT-based tool-set. While the focus is on the central ideas at the core of the approach, the tutorial also presents some recent work that uses SAT for debugging and repair.

Day 4 (July 6)

1. “SAT-based Program Synthesis” By Ruben Martins (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

Program synthesis is expanding rapidly and getting a lot of attention from both industry and academia. The goal of program synthesis is to find a program that satisfies the user intent expressed in the form of some specification. Program synthesis has proven to be useful to both end-users and programmers. For instance, program synthesis has been used to automate tedious tasks that arise in everyday life, such as string manipulations in spreadsheets or data wrangling tasks in R. Program synthesis has also been used for improving programmer productivity by automatically completing parts of a program or helping programmers use complex APIs.

This tutorial aims at showing how SAT technology and ideas can be used to synthesize real code. We will show how the synthesis problem of finding a sequence of Java APIs that satisfies a set of test cases can be encoded into SAT and solved via model enumeration. This approach works particularly well for libraries with many types. However, for programs that contain only one type (e.g. strings, tables), we need to augment this approach with specifications. We will show how these specifications can be used in a conflict-driven program synthesis framework. This framework introduces the notion of learning to program synthesis and opens new research directions that can push the boundaries of program synthesis.

2. “Optimization Modulo Theories” by Roberto Sebastiani (University of Trento, Italy)

Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a (typically quantifier-free) first-order formula with respect to some decidable first-order theory and their combinations thereof. SMT engines are widely used as backend engines in many application domains. Many SMT problems of interest, however, require the capability of finding models that are optimal wrt. some objective functions. These problems are grouped under the umbrella term of Optimization Modulo Theories (OMT).

This tutorial aims at providing an overview of the main problems, techniques, functionalities and applications of OMT, focusing on both expressivity and efficiency. Specific topics include, e.g., supporting objective functions expressed in distinct theories of interest; handling OMT incrementally; dealing with multiple objectives; dealing with important OMT sub-cases like Max-SMT. We briefly describe some interesting applications. Finally, we indicate some open problems and research directions.

3. “First Order Interpolation” by Laura Kovács (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Craig Interpolation is an important technique in applications of software verification. Interpolants extracted from proofs of software correctness can, for example, be used to generate loop invariants. In this talk, I will discuss how interpolants from so-called local proofs can be efficiently constructed, using for example a first order prover. I will also describe a technique of generating and optimizing interpolants based on transformations over the so-called “grey area” of local proofs. While local proofs admit efficient interpolation algorithms, standard complete proof systems, such as superposition, for theories having the interpolation property are not necessarily complete for local proofs. In this talk, I will therefore also investigate interpolant extraction from non-local proofs in the superposition calculus and prove a number of general results about interpolant extraction and complexity of extracted interpolants.

4. “Deep Learning for Theorem Proving” by Markus Rabe (Google, USA)

In this talk I will summarize recent efforts in machine learning for automated reasoning and the work of the N2Formal research group at Google. Our mission is to build an artificial mathematician, one that can understand natural mathematics found in scientific articles and books, and translate it to formal representations. So far, we have built a machine learning environment based on the interactive theorem prover HOL Light and a neural theorem prover called DeepHOL. Given a statement to prove, DeepHOL automatically selects appropriate premises and tactics, just like a human mathematician would. Training DeepHOL using imitation and reinforcement learning already achieves state-of-the-art performance in higher-order reasoning.